About You

In today’s modern market, going global is the best approach for your company. It can even help protect and sustain your domestic business.
Whether your business is already globalized or you are planning to expand overseas, Generali is here to help. We have been global since our foundation in 1831, and we speak your language.
You don’t know what you don’t know. And you don’t necessarily need to know everything. As your opportunities increase, so do the risks and threats you have to deal with. From new markets to new products, shifting regulations, new territories and new rules to follow, you have an enormous amount of data to filter and analyze in order to keep your business compliant and running smoothly.
In a global world, risks are fundamentally interconnected, making the potential for a domino effect a real threat to your business.
You need central control over your insurance needs. You wanted a coordinated, uniform approach for the insurance products you use, with coverage tailored to your specific requirements.
You’re looking for a strong partner, someone who can help manage your risks in a multinational environment. A partner who can guide you locally, navigating local laws and regulations.
You want to stay focused on your core business by relying on the global presence, expertise and solidity of your insurance partner.
Issues like cross-country exposures, business continuity, local market insights, local legal problems and requirements, shifting regulations and more will be your challenges as you operate in new markets.
This is where we step in. Don’t worry about the risks you’ll have to face. We can take care of them.